

Only in USA! While we are driving on a secondary road across the Nebraskan High Plains we reach Alliance.

Alliance is an all american working class town built at the edge of the railroad and it’s the site of Carhenge. Instead of being built with big stones, as in the case of the original Stonehenge, Carhenge is made of vintage cars all covered with gray spray paint.


Carhenge was conceived in 1987 by Jim Reinders as a memorial to his father and dedicated to the summer solstice. While living in England, he studied the structure of Stonehenge, which helped him to copy the structure’s shape, proportions, and size.


Per la serie “solo negli USA”, mentre attraversiamo le high plains del Nebraska su una strada secondaria passiamo da Alliance, una cittadina della working class americana ai margini della ferrovia.

Nei pressi di Alliance sorge “Carhenge®” che invece di essere costruita con grandi pietre, come nel caso dell’originale Stonehenge, è fatta da automobili vintage americane tutte ricoperte di vernice spray grigia.

Carhenge fu concepita nel 1987 da Jim Reinders come memoriale in onore di suo padre e dedicata al solstizio d’estate. Mentre viveva in Inghilterra, studiò la struttura di Stonehenge, per copiarne la forma, le proporzioni e le dimensioni.

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